Attraction Name: X
Opening Times: X
Contact name: X
Contact number on the day of arrival: X
Contact e-mail: X
Is there coach parking at the attraction: Yes/No
If No, give details of the nearest place and if any charges apply – X
Are there car parking charges: X
What is the distance from the coach car park to the Attraction: X
What is the suggested length of visit: X
Summary of Attraction: X
Is the guided tour extra or included: Yes/No
If no, included at what Price: X
What is the maximum group size: X
What are the frequency of guided tours (If Applicable): X
Can we split a group?
What is the length of the tour? X
Are there different tours available? Yes/No
Is there a restaurant on site: Yes/No
Is there any food and drink available: Yes/No
Opening times (if different from above):
Can You Reserve Space? Yes/No
Are There Lots of Steps? Yes/No
If so, how many: X
Is there a Lift? X
Is there an accessible W/C: Yes/No
How many toilets are on site: X
Are pets allowed: Yes/No
Is there an age restriction? Yes/No
Is there a gift shop on site? Yes/No